
EURAKNOS want to strengthen the EU agricultural knowledge base by co-creating « the network to connect all thematic networks », to explore the feasibility of creating a modular database of useful findings from various thematic networks.

What we do?

EURAKNOS wants to reinforce the EU agricultural knowledge base by building the blueprint for a datasystem to enable the farming/rural community easier access to best practices from all EU H2020 Thematic Networks.

To realize this, EURAKNOS will co-create the thematic network to connect all 29 Thematic Networks to map the stored knowledge within each network and to design a common datasystem to make this knowledge better accessible, findable, interoperable and reusable for the agricultural innovation community in Europe.

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How we do it?

EURAKNOS brings together a team of 17 different actors from 11 EU countries from different regions in Europe. They all have relevant innovation expertise in agriculture and forestry, but 9 partners specifically are already coordinators of 10 thematic networks themselves across the 4 cross sectoral themes: crops, livestock, forestry & horizontal.

The EURAKNOS consortium is composed of different organisations according to the multi-actor approach: academia, advisory centres, government institutions, SME, NGO and farmer organisations. Some partners are involved in the European Rural Development Network and others are involved in other relevant H2020 proposals or have strong links with relevant European (e.g. EUFFRAS, member of SCAR SWG-AKIS group) and international organisations (e.g. FAO, OECD, the European Agroforestry).

Who supports us?

We are supported in our efforts by our Strategic Innovation Board (SIB) who offer innovative advice based on their international and European experiences. Eight members were selected at the start of the project based on their expertise as representatives of European and international organisations with interests in open source knowledge reservoirs (databases), and/or with strong links to agricultural practitioners and advisors. Our SIB Members:

Nevena Alexandrova, The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

André Lappèrriere, Global Open Data for Agriculture & Nutrition (GODAN)

Tom Kelly, European Forum for Agricultural and Advisory Services (EUFRAS)

David Lamb, European Network for Rural Development (ENRD)

Inge Van Oost, Directorate Agriculture and Rural Development (DG-AGRI)

Andrew Fieldsend, National Agricultural and Innovation Centre (NAIK–AK)

Luc Peeters, European Farmers – European Cooperatives (COPA-COGECA)

Jannes Maes, European Council of Young Farmers (CEJA)

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What is the Knowledge and Innovation Panel?

One of the first tasks in EURAKNOS was to establish the Knowledge and Innovation Panel (KIP), a group representing the agricultural society in Europe. The KIP now has 139 members including researchers, farmers, advisors, policy makers, NGOs, SMEs and Facilitators. Its role is to bring an external vision to EURAKNOS, advising on the way to improve the project and reinforcing the multi-actor approach of the project. They have been invited to attend our workshops and other networking events, and help to link EURAKNOS to national activities. Members have played an active role in helping to develop our outputs to be practice-oriented and fit for purpose. Find out more by listening to this podcast.


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