
Here you can find all EURAKNOS information resources.

The Explorer's Guide to Thematic Networks
Recommendations for high-impact TNs using the Multi-Actor Approach.

Policy Recommendations
Recommendations for funding bodies and policymakers to support sustainable, high-impact TNs

e-Knowledge Reservoir Platform
Recommendations for building a user-friendly common platform for agricultural and forestry knowledge sharing across the EU

TN Learnings
Hints and tips for effective TN practices

More information about the project and what we achieved

Our TN Network
A collection of podcasts to hear more about TN projects focused on a range of agricultural and forestry topics

The Explorer's Guide to Thematic Networks

WEBINAR: Presenting the Explorer's Guide

Length: 40 minutes
Topic: Explorer's Guide overview

On 5th February 2021, EURAKNOS: Raiders of the Lost Agricultural Knowledge took place to present our key outputs. The first session presented the Explorer's Guide. The Presentation slides can be downloaded, and recorded session is available to watch.

VIDEO: Introducing the EURAKNOS Explorer's Guide to Thematic Networks

Length: 2 minutes
Topic: Explorer's Guide overview

EURAKNOS ( has brought previous and existing Thematic Networks (TNs) together to share and learn from each other. This video gives an overview of the Explorer's Guide to Thematic Networks which represents key insights from this community of practice, written for particular use by future coordinators and consortium members of TNs.

GUIDE: The EURAKNOS Explorer's Guide to Thematic Networks (English)

Length: 32 pages
Topic: Tips for TNs

This guide offers advice on designing and implementing a Thematic Network (TN) to maximise user engagement and impact.

EURAKNOS has brought previous and existing TNs together to share and learn from each other. This guide represents key insights from this community of practice, written for particular use by future coordinators and consortium members of TNs. It brings together the knowledge and experience of TN practitioners, as well as good practices from TN projects for you to explore and be inspired by. The aim of this guide is to act as a sounding board to facilitate your TN to achieve its highest impact.

GIDS: Verkennersgids voor Thematische Netwerken (Nederlands)

Lengte: 32 pagina's
Tips voor TN's

Deze gids biedt advies over het ontwerpen en implementeren van een Thematisch Netwerk (TN) om de betrokkenheid en impact van de gebruikers te maximaliseren.

EURAKNOS heeft vorige en bestaande RT samengebracht om te delen en van elkaar te leren. Deze gids vertegenwoordigt belangrijke inzichten uit deze praktijkgemeenschap, geschreven voor specifiek gebruik door toekomstige coördinatoren en consortiumleden van RT. Het brengt de kennis en ervaring van de RT beoefenaars samen, evenals de goede praktijken van RT projecten voor u om te verkennen en te laten inspireren. Het doel van deze gids is om te fungeren als een klankbord om uw RT te faciliteren bij het bereiken van de hoogste impact.

GUÍA: Guía para Exploradores de Redes Temáticas (Español)

Extensión: 32 páginas
Consejos para las RT

Esta guía ofrece consejos para diseñar e implementar una Red Temática (RT) para maximizar el compromiso y el impacto del usuario.

EURAKNOS ha reunido a RT anteriores y existentes para compartir y aprender unos de otros. Esta guía representa las ideas clave de esta comunidad de práctica, escrita para el uso particular de los futuros coordinadores y miembros del consorcio de la RT. Reúne el conocimiento y la experiencia de los profesionales de la RT, así como las buenas prácticas de los proyectos de RT para que usted las explore y se inspire en ellas. El objetivo de esta guía es actuar como una caja de resonancia para facilitar que su RT logre su mayor impacto.

ΟΔΗΓΟΣ: Οδηγός ερευνητή για θεματικά δίκτυα (Ελληνική)

Έκταση: 32 σελίδες
Συμβουλές για ΤΝ

Αυτός ο οδηγός παρέχει συμβουλές για το σχεδιασμό και την υλοποίηση ενός Θεματικού Δικτύου (TN) για τη μεγιστοποίηση της εμπλοκής και του αντίκτυπου των χρηστών.

Ο EURAKNOS έχει φέρει τα προηγούμενα και τα υπάρχοντα RT μαζί για να μοιραστούν και να μάθουν ο ένας από τον άλλο. Αυτός ο οδηγός αντιπροσωπεύει βασικές γνώσεις από αυτήν την κοινότητα πρακτικής, γραμμένες για συγκεκριμένη χρήση από μελλοντικούς συντονιστές και μέλη της Κοινοπραξίας της RT. συγκεντρώνει τη γνώση και την εμπειρία των επαγγελματιών της RT, καθώς και καλές πρακτικές από έργα RT για να εξερευνήσετε και να εμπνευστείτε. Ο στόχος αυτού του οδηγού είναι να λειτουργήσει ως αντηχείο για να διευκολυνθεί η θερμοκρασία δωματίου σας για να επιτευχθεί ο υψηλότερος αντίκτυπός της.

LEITFADEN: Wissenschaftlicher Leitfaden für Thematische Netzwerke (Deutsch)

Umfang: 32 Seiten
Tipps für TN

Dieser Leitfaden bietet Ratschläge zur Gestaltung und Umsetzung eines Thematischen Netzwerks (TN), um das Engagement und die Wirkung der Nutzer zu maximieren.

EURAKNOS hat frühere und bestehende RT zusammengeführt, um sich auszutauschen und voneinander zu lernen. Dieser Leitfaden stellt wichtige Erkenntnisse aus dieser Praxisgemeinschaft dar und wurde für den besonderen Gebrauch durch zukünftige Koordinatoren und Konsortiumsmitglieder von RT geschrieben. Er führt das Wissen und die Erfahrung von RT-Praktikern sowie gute Praktiken aus RT-Projekten zusammen, damit Sie diese erforschen und sich davon inspirieren lassen können. Das Ziel dieses Leitfadens ist es, als Resonanzboden zu fungieren, um Ihrer RT zu helfen, ihre höchste Wirkung zu erzielen.

GUIDE: Guide de l'explorateur des Réseaux Thématiques (Français)

Longueur : 32 pages
Sujet :
Conseils pour les RT

Ce guide offre des conseils sur la conception et la mise en œuvre d'un réseau thématique (RT) afin de maximiser l'engagement et l'impact des utilisateurs.

EURAKNOS a rassemblé les RT précédents et existants pour partager et apprendre les uns des autres. Ce guide représente les points clés de cette communauté de pratique, rédigé à l'intention des futurs coordinateurs et membres du consortium de RT. Il rassemble les connaissances et l'expérience des praticiens de la RT, ainsi que les bonnes pratiques des projets de RT, pour que vous puissiez les explorer et vous en inspirer. L'objectif de ce guide est d'agir comme une caisse de résonance pour faciliter votre RT afin qu'elle atteigne son plus grand impact.

GUIDA: Guida per l'esplorazione delle reti tematiche (Italiano)

Lunghezza: 32 pagine
Suggerimenti per i TN

Questa guida offre consigli sulla progettazione e sull'implementazione di una rete tematica (TN) per massimizzare il coinvolgimento e l'impatto degli utenti.

EURAKNOS ha riunito le TN precedenti ed esistenti per condividere e imparare gli uni dagli altri. Questa guida rappresenta le intuizioni chiave di questa comunità di pratica, scritta per un uso particolare da parte dei futuri coordinatori e membri del consorzio delle TN. Riunisce la conoscenza e l'esperienza dei professionisti TN, così come le buone pratiche dei progetti TN da esplorare e da cui essere ispirati. Lo scopo di questa guida è di agire come una cassa di risonanza per facilitare il tuo TN per ottenere il massimo impatto.

VADOVAS: Teminių Tinklų Praktinis Vadovas (Lietuvis)

Apimtis: 32 puslapiai
Tema: Patarimai TN

Šiame vadove pateikiama patarimų, kaip sukurti ir įgyvendinti teminį tinklą (TN), siekiant maksimaliai padidinti vartotojų įsitraukimą ir poveikį.

EURAKNOS subūrė ankstesnius ir esamus TN, kad galėtų dalytis ir mokytis vieni iš kitų. Šis vadovas atspindi pagrindines šios praktikos bendruomenės įžvalgas, skirtas būsimiems TN koordinatoriams ir konsorciumo nariams. Tai sujungia TN praktikų žinias ir patirtį, taip pat gerą TN projektų patirtį, kurią galite ištirti ir įkvėpti. Šio vadovo tikslas yra veikti kaip garso plokštė, kad jūsų TN pasiektų didžiausią poveikį.

GHIDUL: Ghidul exploratorului rețelelor tematice (Română)

Lungime: 32 de pagini
pentru TN

Acest ghid oferă sfaturi privind proiectarea și implementarea unei rețele tematice (TN) pentru a maximiza implicarea și impactul utilizatorilor.

EURAKNOS a reunit TN anterioare și existente pentru a face schimb de informații și a învăța unele de la altele. Acest ghid reprezintă informații cheie din această comunitate de practică, scrise pentru a fi utilizate în special de viitorii coordonatori și membri ai consorțiilor de TN. Acesta reunește cunoștințele și experiența practicienilor TN, precum și bunele practici din proiectele TN, pe care le puteți explora și de care vă puteți inspira. Scopul acestui ghid este de a acționa ca o cutie de rezonanță pentru a facilita obținerea celui mai mare impact al TN-ului dumneavoastră.

VODNIK: Vodnik po Tematskih Mrežah Raziskovalce (Slovenščina)

Obseg: 32 strani
nasveti za TN

Ta priročnik ponuja nasvete o oblikovanju in izvajanju tematske mreže (TN), da bi povečali sodelovanje in vpliv uporabnikov.

EURAKNOS je združil prejšnje in obstoječe TN-je, da se izmenjujejo in se učijo drug od drugega. Ta priročnik predstavlja ključne vpoglede iz te prakse, napisane za posebno uporabo prihodnjih koordinatorjev in članov konzorcija TN. Združuje znanje in izkušnje izvajalcev TN, pa tudi dobre prakse iz TN projektov, ki jih lahko raziščete in navdihujete. Cilj tega priročnika je delovati kot zvočna plošča, ki bo vašemu TN-ju olajšala doseči največji učinek.

ÚTMUTATÓ: Felfedezői útmutató a tematikus hálózatokhoz (Magyar)

Hossz: 32 oldal
TN tippek

Ez az útmutató tanácsokat nyújt a tematikus hálózat (TN) tervezéséhez és megvalósításához a felhasználói elkötelezettség és hatás maximalizálása érdekében.

Az EURAKNOS összehozta a korábbi és a meglévő TN-ket, hogy megosszák és tanuljanak egymástól. Ez az útmutató ennek a gyakorlati közösségnek a legfontosabb meglátásait mutatja be, amelyeket a TN-k jövőbeli koordinátorai és konzorciumi tagjai külön felhasználásra írtak. Összegyűjti a TN-gyakorlók tudását és tapasztalatait, valamint a TN-projektek jó gyakorlatait, hogy felfedezhesse és inspirálhassa őket. Ennek az útmutatónak az a célja, hogy hangjelzőként működjön, hogy megkönnyítse a TN-t a legnagyobb hatás elérése érdekében.

VEJLEDNING: Pionerens Ideékatalog til Tematiske Netværk (Dansk)

Længde: 32 sider
Tips til TN

Denne vejledning giver råd om design og implementering af et tematisk netværk (TN) for at maksimere brugerengagement og -påvirkning.

EURAKNOS har samlet tidligere og eksisterende TN'er for at dele og lære af hinanden. Denne vejledning repræsenterer nøgleindsigt fra dette praksisfællesskab, skrevet til særlig brug af fremtidige koordinatorer og konsortiummedlemmer i TN'er. Det samler viden og erfaringer fra TN-udøvere såvel som god praksis fra TN-projekter, som du kan udforske og blive inspireret af. Målet med denne guide er at fungere som et klangbræt for at gøre det lettere for din TN at opnå sin største effekt.

JUHEND: Temaatiliste Võrgustike Huvilise Teejuht (Eesti)

Pikkus: 32 lehekülge
TN-i nõuanded

Selles juhendis antakse nõu temaatilise võrgu (TN) kujundamise ja juurutamise kohta, et maksimeerida kasutajate seotust ja mõju.

EURAKNOS on kokku viinud varasemad ja olemasolevad TN-d, et üksteist jagada ja üksteiselt õppida. See juhend esindab selle praktikakogukonna põhilisi teadmisi, mis on tulevaste koordinaatorite ja TN-de konsortsiumi liikmete jaoks spetsiaalselt ette nähtud. See koondab TN-praktikute teadmised ja kogemused ning TN-projektide head tavad, et saaksite neid uurida ja neist inspireerida. Selle juhendi eesmärk on toimida kõlalauana, et hõlbustada teie TN-l maksimaalse mõju saavutamist.

PRZEWODNIK: Przewodnik Do Sieci Tematycznych

Długość: 32 strony

Temat: Wskazówki dla TN

Ten przewodnik zawiera porady dotyczące projektowania i wdrażania sieci tematycznej (TN), aby zmaksymalizować zaangażowanie i wpływ użytkowników.

EURAKNOS połączył poprzednie i istniejące TN, aby dzielić się i uczyć od siebie nawzajem. Ten przewodnik przedstawia kluczowe spostrzeżenia z tej społeczności praktyków, napisane do szczególnego użytku przez przyszłych koordynatorów i członków konsorcjów TN. Łączy w sobie wiedzę i doświadczenie praktyków TN, a także dobre praktyki z projektów TN, które możesz odkrywać i czerpać z nich inspirację. Celem tego przewodnika jest pełnienie roli płyty rezonansowej, która ułatwi Twojemu TN osiągnięcie największego efektu.

Policy Recommendations

REPORT: Policy brief

Length: 32 pages
Topic: Policy Recommendations for the Sustainability of Thematic Networks

This D5.9 Deliverable report outlines the processes of developing and promoting the EURAKNOS policy recommendations.

POLICY BRIEF: Sustainability of TNs for agricultural and forestry innovation

Length: 5 pages
Topic: Policy Recommendations for Improving Sustainability of TNs

Here we outline six recommendations for improved funding and policy structures to better support TN function and sustainability.

WEBINAR: Final Conference Session 3 - Key outputs for policymakers

Length: 1 hour 17 minutes
Topic: Policy recommendations for maximal TN impact and sustainability

The final session of the EURAKNOS Final Conference: From From EURAKNOS to the EUREKA of European Knowledge Exchange.

In this recorded webinar we addressed how policy and funding structures could be adapted to better support the function and sustainability of TNs to achieve maximal impact.

Inge van Oost, Peter Paree, Matej Štepec, and Kjell Ivarsson joined us for an exciting panel discussion about the application of EURAKNOS’ results at national and EU policy levels.

WEBINAR: Presenting Policy Recommendations

Length: 43 minutes
Topic: Policy recommendations overview

On 5th February 2021, EURAKNOS: Raiders of the Lost Agricultural Knowledge took place to present our key outputs. The second session presented our Vision Paper and Policy Brief. The presentation slides can be downloaded, and recorded session is available to watch.

PODCAST: The policy brief

Length: 19 minutes
Topic: Policy recommendations for improved TN sustainability

The EURAKNOS policy brief aims to provide policymakers with a set of recommendations to create an enabling environment for establishing TNs and ensuring their sustainability. In this podcast we delve into the nitty gritty of what it sets out to achieve.

e-Knowledge Reservoir Platform

REPORT: More detail on the Vision Paper

Length: 25 pages
Topic: The vision paper for an EU-wide eKRP for agricultural and forestry knowledge

This D5.8 Deliverable report explains the process involved in developing the Vision Paper

PODCAST: Presenting information from innovative projects in a database

Length: 11 minutes
Topic: Database form and function

How should the database function? Should it be available in more languages? Palatable answers from participants of the PMK (National rural network Estonia) CEV which took place in June 2020. This event focussed on the different methods of presenting information concerning innovative projects.

WEBINAR: Final Conference Session 2 - Key outputs for AKIS and EU project community

Length: 1 hour
Topic: Populating the eKRP with data - challenges and solutions

The second session of the EURAKNOS Final Conference: From From EURAKNOS to the EUREKA of European Knowledge Exchange.

In this recorded webinar we share our key insights gained from our work throughout EURAKNOS, with a focus on how the results of EURAKNOS can be used by Agricultural and Innovation Systems (AKIS) and the European project community.

Presentation slides about the eKRP are also available to view and download.

WEBINAR: Presenting the platform prototype

Length: 1 hour
Topic: eKRP and EUREKA - the Farmbook prototype

On 5th February 2021, EURAKNOS: Raiders of the Lost Agricultural Knowledge took place to present our key outputs. The third and final session presented the joint efforts of EURAKNOS and EUREKA to develop a prototype knowledge platform.
The Presentation slides can be downloaded, and recorded session is available to watch.

VIDEO: Building a digital knowledge database to collect outputs from various Thematic Network Projects

Length: 2 minutes
Topic: Reasons to use the EURAKNOS blueprint for eKRP development

The EURAKNOS project ( has developed a prototype knowledge database so that outputs from various Thematic Network projects can be stored in one place for easy access by target users. Find out more in this short video.

PODCAST: Platform Development from EURAKNOS to EUREKA

Length: 18 minutes
Topic: eKRP and EURKEA

Davino and Hercules work on both the EURAKNOS and EUREKA projects, working on an electronic Knoweldge Reservoir Platform. In this episode, they explain a little about the public-facing and behind-the-scenes work and how the EUREKA project ( builds upon the proof of concept developed in EURAKNOS.

REPORT: eKRP documentation and guide

Length: 108 pages
Topic: eKRP infrastructure

This Deliverable 4.3 report documents EURAKNOS' work to create a technological infrastructure for a user-friendly database connecting all knowledge reservoirs in agricultural and forestry practice available at multiple levels within Europe.

PODCAST: The EURAKNOS Vision Paper - What and why?

Length: 11 minutes
Vision for the eKRP

WP5 leader Laura Palczynski sets out what the ideal vision for the EURAKNOS Knowledge Reservoir would be and explains the possibilities and limitations of applying the vision paper in reality.

PODCAST: Cross Exchange Visit - Identifying best practices for knowledge platforms

Length: 12 minutes
Topic: example eKRP from OK-NET Ecofeed

IFOAM tell us about their recent cross exchange visit which focused on the OK-NET Ecofeed TN knowledge platform.

REPORT: HIKR methodologies and practices for data generation, selection, collection and storage

Length: 44 pages
Topic: HIKR design for TN knowledge content storage and dissemination

This Deliverable 3.1 report deals with the issue of knowledge acquisition by TNs to identify and define the processes used to compile knowledge content in their knowledge reservoir and then disseminate it to end-users.

REPORT: Database, technology choices and e-KRP recommendations

Length: 54 pages
Topic: Recommendations for eKRP design

This Deliverable 3.2 report presents a strategy to move from the HIKR to the e-KRP, including recommendations for how to attain a user-friendly and accessible digital platform.

REPORT: Feasibility and added value of an e-Knowledge Reservoir Platform

Length: 125 pages
Topic: eKRP feasibility

This Deliverable 4.1 report presents a feasibility study for a new centralised and open-source agricultural innovation e-KRP includes a sustainability plan which outlines technological, social, legal and financial considerations.

VISION PAPER: Developing High Impact: The Future EU-wide Open Source Knowledge Reservoir for Agriculture and Forestry

Length: 6 pages
Topic: Future vision for an EU-wide eKRP

An aspirational 5-year vision for a common digital data platform for agriculture and forestry actors to access information based on outputs of EU H2020 thematic networks.

TN Learnings

REPORT: Compilation of 80 practice abstracts

Length: 96 pages
Various hints and tips for TNs

This D5.11 report presents 80 practice abstracts developed over the course of EURAKNOS.

PODCAST: Networking within a TN

Length: 21 minutes
Topic: Networking

Networking is an integral part of getting the results and knowledge generated through your Thematic Network out to the wider agricultural community. But how do you do it successfully? Listen to this podcast to find out!

PODCAST: A different approach to Cross Exchange Visits

Length: 11 minutes
Topic: Cross Exchange Visits

What is it like to organise a Cross Exchange Visit? Is the secret to success aiming for quality not quantity? This handy podcast explores different approaches to managing a CEV, using effective tools to break down awkwardness and to ensure that the meeting flows.

PODCAST: SUWANU - the benefits for consortium partners

Length: 12 minutes
Topic: Benefits of being a TN consortium partner

Many of our EURAKNOS podcasts have explored the benefits of TN's for the end user, which is of course the main goal. But what are the knock on benefits for the partners involved? Through the success of the SUWANU Thematic Network, we explore the benefits of TNs for the partners.

PODCAST: Peer to peer exchange in horticulture

Length: 12 minutes
Topic: Peer to peer knowledge exchange

Facilitating peer to peer knowledge exchange. Fanny Prezman explains the success of this Cross Exchange Visit which set out to generate feedback from TN's with demo experience, capitialize the work carried out by TN's and to dispute the best tools for exchanging knowledge. Take a listen to find out more.

PODCAST: Linking EU Forestry networks through EURAKNOS

Length: 15 minutes
Topic: TN Sustainability and legacy

An overview of the cross exchange visit organised by USC in collaboration with the EU forest institute. This CEV was a joining of the AFINET TN and the Incredible TN. The purpose of the CEV was to address the actors, researchers and advisors of whom the projects were for and to analyse the outputs strengths and weaknesses. This feedback helps to formulate the knowledge needed to maintain that the TN’s stay alive after the project ends.

PODCAST: GLZ connecting young farmers across europe

Length: 8 minutes
Topic: Engaging young farmers in Cross Exchange

The EURAKNOS CEV run by GLZ aimed to connect young farmers from across Europe. Kicking off with 4 young farmers detailing their careers and how they started farming, an international networking event followed which included 60 young farmers. Press play to hear what worked well and how this event was run!


Length: 12 minutes
Communication and dissemination in TNs

EuroSheep exchanges existing knowledge between farmers and stakeholders at all stages of the supply chain in EU and Turkish sheep production. This CEV, organised by IDELE, gave the EURAKNOS project the opportunity to present and introduce the project's key outputs, explaining how they are of use to the EuroSheep TN. The projects exchanged common issues relating to communication and dissemination, finding efficient and practical solutions.

WEBINAR: Final Conference Session 1 - Key outputs for a general audience

Length: 50 minutes
Topic: Communication, dissemination and the multi actor approach

The first session of the EURAKNOS Final Conference: From From EURAKNOS to the EUREKA of European Knowledge Exchange.

In this recorded webinar we share our key insights gained from our work throughout EURAKNOS. The presentation slides are also available to view and download.

FACTSHEETS: Collection of Summary Sheets

Length: 20 1-page factsheets
Topic: Tips for TN function

These attractive summary sheets based on 20 practice abstracts offer practical advice on TN function. Find out more about:
defining user end-types and their needs and gathering feedback, tips for engaging key actors, designing and setting up an eKRP, communication and dissemination tools and channels, and proxy impact indicators.

REPORT: Compilation of 20 Practice Abstracts

Length: 30 pages
Topic: Tips for TN function

This deliverable 5.10 report includes 20 practice abstracts with key recommendations for eKRP content design and storage, communication and dissemination, and the multi-actor approach.

PODCAST: Workshop facilitation - Handy advice from a social psychologist

Length: 32 minutes
Topic: Workshop facilitation

Laurens Van der Cruyssen is a EURAKNOS consortium member and social psychologist with a background in neuroscience. In this light and entertaining podcast, Laurens provides an interesting insight into how workshops should be successfully facilitated to extract maximum output from each individual.

PODCAST: Facilitating Farmer Led Innovation - Jessica Stokes in conversation with Russ Carrington

Length: 28 minutes
Topic: Farmer networks and farmer led innovation

EURAKNOS consortium member Jessica Stokes chats with Russ Carrington, regenerative farming consultant and former General Manager of the Pasture-Fed Livestock Association about the role of farmer networks to support farmers through change and how online forums, such as that used by the PFLA’s 600 strong membership, can facilitate knowledge exchange and innovation between farmers.

PODCAST: WP4 - Success resulting from teamwork and communication

Length: 19 minutes
Topic: Communication and collaboration within tasks and work packages

WP4 leader Hercules Panoutsopoulos tells us how smooth communication and collaboration has been the secret to success in WP4 of the EURAKNOS project. This has been even more crucial with the loss of face to face meetings resulting from the global Covid-19 pandemic.

PODCAST: Communicating through videos and podcasts

Length: 13 minutes
Communication using videos and podcasts

A podcast about podcasts! EURAKNOS podcast content curator and editing team Laura Palczynski & Martha Hayes give some tips for successful TN communications.

PODCAST: The role, the purpose and potential improvement of Practice Abstracts

Length: 16 minutes
Topic: Practice Abstracts

Lisa Van Dijk talks practice abstracts. What do they set out to achieve and how can we utilise this dissemination tool?

PODCAST: CEVs - Overcoming the challenges of COVID-19

Length: 11 minutes
Topic: Online cross exchanges

Cross Exchange Visits are an important part of the EURAKNOS project. But how can they continue under Covid-19 restrictions? IFOAM tell us how they adapted to run a successful online CEV.

VIDEO: Best Practices for Thematic Networks According to Past and Present Projects

Length: 2 minutes
Topic: Recommendations for TNs

This video outlines key recommendations that can help to set a Thematic Network project up for success.

REPORT: Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Strategies

Length: 41 pages
Topic: Dissemination pathways

This Deliverable 3.3 report presents a framework to support strategic decision-making outlining three complementary dissemination pathways to generate, multiply, and disperse knowledge. Further recommendations and examples of good practice also relate to dissemination and exploitation tools and channels.

REPORT: Fostering the Multi-Actor Approach in TNs

Length: 32 pages
Topic: Implementing the multi-actor approach

This D3.4 Deliverable report provides recommendations to foster the multi-actor approach in all project activities. It is based on outcomes from our Paris workshop on 12th-13th December 2019.

REPORT: Application of the Multi-Actor Approach in TNs

Length: 71 pages
Topic: Multi-actor approach in TNs

This D2.4 Deliverable report maps the methods used by past and present TNs to incorporate the multi-actor approach. Based on these results, recommendations for effective involvement of multiple actors are made.

REPORT: Communication and dissemination tools and channels used by TNs

Length: 60 pages
Topic: Communication and dissemination in TNs

This D2.3 Deliverable report presents assessment maps the practices used by past and present TNs and analyses their success at reaching farmers, foresters and end-users. Results inform recommendations for more efficient communication and dissemination via tools and channels appropriate for the target audience to increase impact.

REPORT: Format and design of TN knowledge reservoirs

Length: 46 pages
TN knowledge reservoirs

This D2.2 Deliverable report describes the format and design of knowledge reservoirs developed by existing TNs and offers some recommendations to improve the consistency of approaches used by TNs to increase impact.

REPORT: Data and Knowledge Formats of TNs

Length: 36 pages
TN function

This D2.1 Deliverable report compares the ways in which existing TNs produce, collect and store knowledge, considering TN origin, content, format and synergies

PODCAST: How to survive a midterm review

Length: 16 minutes
Topic: Midterm review

As EURAKNOS is only a two-year project, the midterm review came around very quickly. Project coordinator Pieter Spanoghe tells us how he prepared for the midterm review and gives some advice for surviving it!

PODCAST: Planning a successful consortium meeting - tips and hints!

Length: 9 minutes
Running a consortium meeting

"Its important to make it fun and interactive, try to think out the box and mix it up a little" - Nathan De Geyter from the EURAKNOS coordination team gives great insight into ways you can ensure a smooth and productive consortium meeting... including human bingo!

REPORT: Outcomes from Budapest Workshop: Recommendations for High Impact TNs

Length: 113 pages
Topic: Recommendations for TNs

This D2.5 Deliverable report contains the results of the Budapest workshop where TN best practices were discussed. Twenty recommendations are presented.

PODCAST: Joining a TN halfway through the project

Length: 17 minutes
Introducing new team members to the TN

Lisa Morgans, head of the Livestock department at IfA, discusses her own experiences of joining a TN halfway through the project, having taken over from her predecessor at IfA. Lisa gives some valuable advice for how TN's could smooth this transition, ensuring that the project continues to progress at the same pace.

REPORT: Summary of current practices and methodologies of Thematic Networks

Length: 56 pages
Topic: Results from TN assessment studies

This D2.6 Deliverable report summarises our key findings from our initial findings stemming from our desktop study, TN interviews and Budapest workshop.


PODCAST: EURAKNOS to EUREKA - A whistle stop tour

Length: 6 minutes
Topic: Next steps and EUREKA

Pieter Spanoghe, EURAKNOS project coordinator, explains the next steps for exploring the EU wide Agricultural Knowledge base, with the introduction of the EUREKA project. All you need to know, in 6 minutes!

VIDEO: What can EURAKNOS offer Thematic Network Projects?

Length: 2 minutes
Topic: EURAKNOS value to TNs

What attracted representatives of different Thematic Networks (TNs) from across the EU to get involved with EURAKNOS workshops? Find out in this video!

VIDEO: EURAKNOS Workshop Budapest

Length: 2 minutes
Topic: Presenting EURAKNOS at the first workshop, Budapest

Presenting the EURAKNOS Project which is working with Thematic Networks across Europe to develop strategies to make results more accessible to end-users. This video was filmed at the first workshop in Budapest.

PODCAST: The role of WP3

Length: 11 minutes
Topic: WP3 activities

Patrick Sarzeaud provides an insight into the role and achievements of WP3 as they work towards achieving a high impact knowledge reservoir (HIKR)

REPORT: EURAKNOS' Second Workshop

Length: 105 pages
EURAKNOS' second workshop

This Deliverable 3.5 report provides the outline, methodologies and main results of our second EURAKNOS workshop aiming to discuss, develop and validate the HIKR technical guidelines to be presented in the TN Explorer's Guide.

PODCAST: A quickfire podcast with the EURAKNOS consortium!

Length: 15 minutes

Why not make the most of the whole EURAKNOS team being together for the June consortium meeting! In this podcast we ask our team members what their biggest achievements have been so far in the project, whilst also thinking about the next steps for the EURAKNOS project in the form of 'EUREKA'.

PODCAST: A multi-actor approach and the KIP

Length: 10 minutes
Topic: EURAKNOS KIP and multi-actor approach

Sylvia Burssens, who is part of the EURAKNOS coordination team explains what we mean by a 'multi-actor approach' and details how the knowledge innovation panel (KIP) will support the EURAKNOS project. Did you know 'kip' means chicken in Flemish? Let's hope they give us the golden egg!

PODCAST: WP5 - What does that actually involve?

Length: 9 minutes
Topic: WP5 leadership: communication and dissemination

Laura Palczynski, WP5 leader in the EURAKNOS project, talks to Martha Hayes (IfA) about what her role involves, and some tips and hints for overcoming any difficulties you would expect to encounter within a TN.

PODCAST: WP2 leader - What does it involve?

Length:18 minutes
Topic: Activities in WP2 evaluating existing TN projects

We chat to WP2 leader Rosa Mosquera about her role in the EURAKNOS project and the key outcomes from WP2. This mainly included evaluating indiviudal TNs and other EIP-Agri activities, whilst considering how they are linked to operational groups, multi actor groups and other focus groups. Press play and find out more!

REPORT: Outcome of the Kick Off Meeting

Length: 132 pages
Topic: Kick off meeting

This D1.1 Deliverable report presents the results and plans from the first meeting of the project in January 2018.

Our TN Network

PODCAST: Using remote technologies for grassland management

Length: 8 minutes
Topic: Cross Exchange Visit: Grassland Management technologies

A cross exchange visit between the Grassland Centre in Germany and the EURAKNOS project to explore the use of remote technologies to act as an early warning system for grassland monitoring. This CEV had fewer attendees than would be expected in a face-to-face event but this lead to a more concentrated exchange of information.

PODCAST: Key factors in scaling up Agroforestry

Length: 11 minutes
Topic: Scaling up EU agroforestry systems

This cross exchange visit was organised to consider the key factors when scaling up Agroforestry systems across Europe. Sharing knowledge between the EURAKNOS and the AFINET Thematic Network, the purpose of project results and how to utilise those results was discussed. Press play to explore future strategies for EU Agroforestry!

PODCAST: PANACEA - The future of non food crops

Length: 19 minutes

In spite of considerable investment in research and development, Non Food Crops are not widespread in European agriculture, mainly due to challenges in supply chains as well as gaps in the policy framework and in the investment incentives. In this latest EURAKNOS podcast, we find out more about the great work of the impactful Thematic Network, PANACEA.

PODCAST: Food supply chain best practices

Length: 15 minutes
Topic: Food supply chain cross exchange

Fostering successful adaption of food supply chain best practices. This cross exchange visit included 50 attendees and explored short supply chains within EU countries. EURAKNOS WP5 leader Laura Palczynski finds out more...

PODCAST: FERTINNOWA - A bottom-up approach to water sustainability

Length: 18 mintues

The transfer of INNOvative techniques for sustainable WAter use in FERtigated crops... we find out more about the facinating work of this H2020 funded TN...

PODCAST: Learning and Collaborating across EU projects focused on livestock CEV

Length: 9 minutes
Topic: Cross Exchange with Livestock projects

Despite the restrictions from Covid-19, Euraknos recently teamed up with the DISARM Thematic Network to deliver a successful cross exchange visit with EU-funded projects focused on livestock production. We hear how they did it.

PODCAST: SheepNet - Increasing income through improved sheep productivity

Length: 23 minutes
Topic: SheepNet TN

The SheepNet TN sets out to improve sheep productivity by targetting reproduction, gestation and a reduction in lamb mortality.

PODCAST: INNOSETA - Advising on innovative spraying equipment and training across the EU sector

Length: 16 minutes

A freely accessible repository of innovative spraying technology, training material, projects and papers tailored to the needs of the spraying community. We find out what makes this thematic network such a great success...

PODCAST: An insight into EUfruit

Length: 17 minutes
Topic: EUFruit TN

Project coordinator Michelle Williams chats to us about the work of the EUfruit Thematic Network. Through a multi-actor approach, the project aims to improve the implementation of research outcomes into practical and applicable knowledge that will directly benefit the European fruit sector.

PODCAST: AGRIFORVALOR- exploiting sidestream biomass resources

Length: 30 minutes

Around the world, industries of all kinds produce waste. However, for industries involved in the use of natural resources, it is perhaps better to think of these products not as waste but rather as opportunity.

AGRIFORVALOR brings together members from all sectors adjacent to the bio-economy, helping identify where value can be found in sidestreams from agriculture and forestry and getting those feedstocks to innovators who transform them from ‘waste’ into valued commodities.

PODCAST: Smart-AKIS - Increasing the adoption of Smart Farming Technologies

Length: 15 minutes

Smart-AKIS is a European Network mainstreaming Smart Farming Technologies among the European farmer community and bridging the gap between practitioners and research on the identification and delivery of new Smart Farming solutions to fit the farmers’ needs.

PODCAST: OK-NET Ecofeed - Increasing the use of organic feed for Monogastrics

Length: 30 minutes
Topic: OK-Net EcoFeed TN

The overall aim of OK-NET EcoFeed is to help farmers, breeders and the organic feed processing industry in achieving the goal of 100% use of organic and regional feed for monogastrics, in particular pigs, broilers, laying hens and parents of broilers and laying hens. We talk to two project partners and hear their advice...

PODCAST: OK NET Arable - Increasing productivity & quality in organic arable cropping

Length: 28 minutes
OK-NET Arable TN

The overall aim of the thematic network ‘OK-NET Arable’ was to improve the exchange of innovative and traditional knowledge among farmers, farm advisers and scientists to increase productivity and quality in organic arable cropping all over Europe, in order to satisfy future market demand. Bram Moeskops tells us about the project's successes and the difficulties encountered.

PODCAST: Inno4grass - Awarding Innovation

Length: 13 mintues
Inno4grass TN

Europe’s most innovative grassland farmers are set to receive international awards for their innovation and commitment to excellence in grassland. This initiative is part of the three-year Inno4Grass Thematic Network project, a €2 million project funded by Horizon 2020. The farmers receiving awards represent eight member states in Europe and are all excelling in grassland and grassland management despite differences in climate, systems and soil types. Jendrik Holthusen tells us more....

PODCAST: DISARM - Innovative Solutions for Antibiotic Resistance Management

Length: 9 minutes

An active network dedicated to finding innovative solutions for antibiotic resistance. DISARM intends to reduce antibiotic resistance by reducing the need for antibiotics in livestock farming through focusing on disease prevention and prudent use of antibiotics.WP5 leader Laura Palczynski explains in more detail....

PODCAST: NEFERTITI - Learning through Farm Demos

Length: 11 minutes
Topic: NEFERTITI Multi Actor Project

The objective of NEFERTITI is to establish an EU-wide network of demonstration and pilot farms designed to enhance knowledge exchanges, cross fertilization among actors and efficient innovation uptake in the farming sector through peer-to-peer demonstration. Jenderick Holthusen tells us more.

PODCAST: WINETWORK - Collaborative innovation in the wine sector

Length: 8 minutes

In the WINETWORK project, the approach will be implemented in ten regions from seven countries representing more than 90% of the EU wine production. The main topic addressed is the fight against diseases that jeopardise the future production potential of the EU (Grapevine Trunk Diseases and Flavescence Dorée). As they represent a threat for the economic viability of the entire sector, these topics have been previously identified as a priority by winegrowers, scientists and decision-makers.

PODCAST: SKIN - Focussing on the short food supply chain

Length: 24 minutes

SKIN is the EU Short Food Supply Chains (SFSCs) Thematic Network.Examples of SFSCs in Europe are numerous, but they are generally small in scale, limited in impact and highly fragmented. This is an obstacle for farmers and other stakeholders acting in the value chain to implement viable and efficient solutions.The aim of SKIN is to tackle such fragmentation in the access to different practice models, systematise information, empower the potential innovators and create a EU community on SFSCs, with the objective of enhancing innovation capabilities and pathways supporting the development of efficient SFSCs.

PODCAST: Euro Dairy - improving the viability and sustainability of milk production in Europe

Length: 21 minutes
EuroDairy TN

EuroDairy supports the development and communication of practice-based innovation in dairy farming. It focusses on four key issues: socio economic resilience, resource efficiency, animal care, and the integration of milk production with biodiversity objectives. We chat with project co-ordinator, Ray Keatinge about what made it a success.

PODCAST: AgriSpin - Space for innovations in Agriculture

Length: 15 minutes
Topic: AgriSpin TN

Far from all innovation processes succeed. In fact, many go awry even before they begin. So what makes an innovation process move forward? And what stops it? The EU-project “AgriSpin – Space for Innovations in Agriculture” seeks to find the answers to those questions and many more by identifying best practices for innovation and support systems in European agriculture.

PODCAST: A closer look at the EU Pig TN with Ben Williams

Length: 14 minutes
Topic: EU PiG TN

EU PiG aims to raise the competitiveness of the European pig industry by linking producers and sharing tried and tested best practice and innovations. Hear about the projects successes and results with project coordinator Ben Williams....

PODCAST: Looking at the successes of the 4D4F TN with Richard Lloyd

Length: 7 minutes
Topic: 4D4F TN

The 4D4F thematic network looked into dairy animal and environmental sensors and how collecting real-time information can help contribute to decision-making in dairy farming. The network brought together dairy farmers, dairy technology suppliers, data companies, dairy advisors, veterinarians and researchers from across Europe.

PODCAST: Farmer led innovation - David Main explains the work of the Hennovation TN

Length: 18 minutes
Topic: Hennovation TN

David Main from Hennovation tells us what made 'Hennovation' such a successful TN. Using the laying hen sector as a case study, the Hennovation project demonstrated the potential of innovation led by farmers and industry practices in two areas of concern, Injurious Pecking and End-of-Lay, during transport and at the abattoir.


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