
Discover what happen in the Thematic Network Community!

24 mrt. 2021
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Newsletter March 2021

Here is the last EURAKNOS newsletter. We will talk about:

* The final conference on the 26th of February

* National events

* Exploitation Strategy Seminar


* Last consortium meeting

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24 mrt. 2021
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Newsletter February 2021

The end of EURAKNOS is coming very soon but we still have a lot to share with you. In this newsletter, we will inform you about:

* The Farmbook: From EURAKNOS to EUREKA

* Raiders of the lost Agricultural Knowledge : What did you miss ?

* The final conference: “From EURAKNOS to the EUREKA of European Knowledge Exchange”

* The importance of EURAKNOS Practice Abstracts

* The EURAKNOS Policy Brief

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24 mrt. 2021
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Newsletter december 2020

For the last newsletter of the year 2020, we have several news for you. The end of the EURAKNOS project is coming soon: It means the last deliverables and last events but also a new beginning with EUREKA.

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24 mrt. 2021
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Newsletter November 2020

This newsletter tells you about the Explorer’s Guide, give you an update about our sister project, EUREKA, share with you a little about PANACEA: a non-food crops platform, and tickle your brain with some new interesting (online) events.

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24 mrt. 2021
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Newsletter October 2020

This newsletter is dedicated to Cross Exchanges, you will find the summaries of the latest CEs and the dates and themes of the next and last ones.

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16 nov. 2020
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EUREKA is building a wide agricultural knowledge base

EUREKA is one of a growing ‘family’ of EU-funded projects that aim to strengthen and improve the flow of agricultural and rural-related knowledge and innovation at European, national and regional level and is very closely linked to EURAKNOS, building on our work on optimising the flow of knowledge from TNs.

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17 sep. 2020
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Cross-Exchange Visit : Best practices for multi-actor approaches and dissemination in Smart Protection

One of the aims of the EURAKNOS is to widen the TN Community and exchange best practices and methodologies of Thematic Networks. These are also summarized in the TNs Explorers’ Guide that will soon be published online.

On July 9, two Thematic Networks, SmartAKIS and SMARTPROTECT, and three other multi-actor projects, OPTIMA, INNOSETA, and IPMWORKS exchanged experiences on multi-actor approaches and dissemination strategies in the field of Smart Protection after an introduction on the EURAKNOS project and presentations of the different invited projects. Two operational groups (OGs), Smart spraying on Olive Trees (Greece), and OG W&W leeks and cabbages 2.0 (Flanders) presented their activities. About 40 participants, including advisors, scientists, managing authorities, and an SME, were engaged in the lively discussion.

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