Sustainable Water treatment and Nutrient reuse options
The future of innovation in European agriculture and forestry is based on the improved (digital) exchange of best practices between farmers, researchers and advisors from different sectors and member states.
EURAKNOS is the sister project of EUREKA
We facilitate and support thematic networks by connecting and extending the current network of thematic networks.
We collect knowledge, materials and tools of the thematic networks.
We develop an EU-wide open source agricultural knowledge innovation database.
Sustainable Water treatment and Nutrient reuse options
SUWANU is coordinated by BIOAZUL, SL
Agricultural practices put the biggest pressure on fresh water resources for irrigation (55% of the water use in Europe) and on fertilizer usage. The European farmers face serious problems such as freshwater scarcity and nutrient availability, extreme climate conditions and the growing demand of the increasing population. This results in rising prices for mineral fertilizers and food, risky measures such as untreated wastewater applications on fields, and environmental damages from overexploitation of resources.
Even though important local efforts have been made on research activities and initiatives for wastewater treatment and reuse in agriculture, an integrated approach is needed among regions which are developing such research, incentivizing scientific, governmental and business collaboration within wastewater reuse in Europe and supporting the establishment of common European guidelines and parameters for water and nutrient exploitation efficiency.
A thematic network to design the penetration PAth of Non-food Agricultural Crops into European Agriculture
Non-food Crops (NFC) are used to produce a wide range of bio-products and bioenergy. In spite of considerable investment in R&D and the increasing need of bio-based industries for feedstock, NFCs are not widespread in EU agriculture, mainly due to challenges in supply chains and gaps in policy framework and investment incentives. PANACEA aims to set up a thematic network to foster the effective exchange between research, industry and the farming community so that direct applicable solutions are widely disseminated and grassroots-level needs and innovative ideas thoroughly captured in order to design the penetration path of NFC into European agriculture.
Short supply chain Knowledge and Innovation Network
SKIN is an ambitious initiative of 20 partners in 14 countries in the area of Short Food Supply Chains (SFSCs). It intends to systematise and bring knowledge to practitioners, promote collaboration within a demand-driven innovation logic and provide inputs to policymaking through links to the EIP-AGRI. SKIN will build and animate a community of about 500 stakeholders, with the strategic objective of setting up, at the conclusion of the project, a European association permanently working for the improvement of SFSCs efficiency and for the benefit of stakeholders and growth in the sector. The community will be built and animated around the identification of good practices in short supply chains across Europe. Partners will scout, analyse and classify a significant number of cases in different countries. “Best practices” (at least 100) will be systematised, processed into highly usable formats (including video and page-flows) and made accessible to stakeholders via the web (following the EIP AGRI formats) and through the set-up of regional nodes, to allow a deeper penetration of existing knowledge into practice.
Network for the exchange and transfer of innovative knowledge between European wine-growing regions to increase the productivity and sustainability of the sector
Building on a methodology for innovation-driven research previously developed and tested, the WINETWORK project has the ambition to stimulate collaborative innovation in the wine sector. The project will implement a methodology that has been successful in promoting demand-driven innovations in previous regional and European projects. This approach is mainly based on the interactions between a network of facilitator agents, several regional technical working groups and one European scientific working group. A participatory approach is used to translate results from science and practical knowledge into technical datasheets that are used to prepare materials adapted to end-users. A bottom-up approach is also used to identify a demand-driven innovation agenda. In the WINETWORK project, the approach will be implemented in ten regions from seven countries representing more than 90% of the EU wine production. The main topic addressed in the network concern the control and the fight against diseases that jeopardise the future production potential of the EU (Grapevine Trunk Diseases and Flavescence Dorée).
EURAKNOS presents key findings relating to improving the sustainability of EU Thematic Networks and their results.
Watch the Recorded sessions:
The Explorer's Guide to Thematic Networks
Here is the last EURAKNOS newsletter. We will talk about:
* The final conference on the 26th of February
* National events
* Exploitation Strategy Seminar
* Last consortium meeting
“EURAKNOS can be seen as the network of the networks that will analyze this knowledge to explore the feasibility of creating a modular database that makes this information more accessible to the farming community in a searchable and semi-standardized way."
“It is a really good idea to make a knowledge base, which comprises knowledge from several European countries. It is a place where farmers, advisors and everyone interested in agriculture can get inspired on how to innovate”
“Sharing knowledge to promote new technology - such as sensors to monitor livestock 24/7 - has resulted in increased feed efficiency, improved animal welfare, increased profitability and lower greenhouse gas emissions. The EURAKNOS TN will ensure this knowledge is reached by an even wider audience, helping to further the success of the 4D4F network.”
“One of the key learnings was actually with a group of farmers who were reluctant to engage because they had a history of being told that they were not performing. But with the power of good facilitation, they developed their own sense of ownership and empowerment, and were then able to deliver real change.”
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