Transfer of INNOvative techniques for sustainable WAter use in FERtigated crops
The future of innovation in European agriculture and forestry is based on the improved (digital) exchange of best practices between farmers, researchers and advisors from different sectors and member states.
EURAKNOS is the sister project of EUREKA
We facilitate and support thematic networks by connecting and extending the current network of thematic networks.
We collect knowledge, materials and tools of the thematic networks.
We develop an EU-wide open source agricultural knowledge innovation database.
Transfer of INNOvative techniques for sustainable WAter use in FERtigated crops
In European countries, the cultivation of fertigated crops experience scarcity of water, and the intensity of cultivation poses significant risks to water quality. The main objective of the FERTINNOWA thematic network is to create a meta-knowledge database on innovative technologies and practices for fertigation of horticultural crops. FERTINNOWA will also build a knowledge exchange platform to evaluate existing and novel technologies (innovation potential, synergies, gaps, barriers) for fertigated crops and ensure wide dissemination to all stakeholders involved of the most promising technologies and best practices.
A multi-actor integrated approach will be used through the FERTINNOWA platform which will involve various stakeholders (researchers, growers, policy-makers, industry, environmental groups etc.) at several levels including the socio-economic and regulatory level (national and European) with a special focus on the EU Water Framework Directive and Nitrate Directive.
Boosting Innovation in Organic FRUIT production through strong knowledge NETworks
The EU is the leading region for the production of organic fruits, with a rapidly expanding production and a demand for organic products which grows every year. However, at the same time, the amount and value of organic imports from outside the EU is increasing. For organic fruit farmers in the EU this poses a challenge to succeed in an increasingly competitive market. In addition, organic fruit growing is a very demanding farming activity. This is because, the sector faces specific problems that cannot be solved using conventional approaches based on the use of synthetics substances. As organic fruit growers cannot rely on synthetic inputs, many of them have, on a local level, developed competitive strategies to improve plant health. Moreover, there is considerable research on improving organic fruit growing systems. The problem, however, is that this knowledge is not easily accessible to farmers all over Europe and remains either locally known or only available in the scientific sphere.
EU network of regions on sustainable wood mobilisation ready for digitalisation
ROSEWOOD4.0 builds on the well-established ROSEWOOD network of Regional Hubs connecting multiple actors along the forest value chain to reinforce the sustainability of wood mobilisation in Europe. The new action will especially reinforce and enlarge the links with Eastern Europe by creating a new Eastern Hub including new countries (Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine). Secondly, the action puts special emphasis on digitalisation (forestry industry 4.0) and digital tools (social media, platforms, e-learning) for training and coaching, enabling practitioners to share know-how with much wider impact. The focus on ICT addresses the two main challenges in wood mobilisation: 1) better access to resources through defragmentation of forest owners and 2) increased volume to the market and higher transparency.
Biomass Innovation
AGRIFORVALOR is coordinated by Steinbeis 2i GmbH
The thematic network will close the research and innovation divide by connecting practitioners from agriculture and forestry with research and academia as well as with associations and clusters, bio - industry, policy makers; business support organisations, innovation agencies and technology transfer intermediaries in multi-actor innovation partnership networks in order to valorize and exploit sidestream biomass resources from agriculture and forestry.
EURAKNOS presents key findings relating to improving the sustainability of EU Thematic Networks and their results.
Watch the Recorded sessions:
The Explorer's Guide to Thematic Networks
Here is the last EURAKNOS newsletter. We will talk about:
* The final conference on the 26th of February
* National events
* Exploitation Strategy Seminar
* Last consortium meeting
“EURAKNOS can be seen as the network of the networks that will analyze this knowledge to explore the feasibility of creating a modular database that makes this information more accessible to the farming community in a searchable and semi-standardized way."
“It is a really good idea to make a knowledge base, which comprises knowledge from several European countries. It is a place where farmers, advisors and everyone interested in agriculture can get inspired on how to innovate”
“Sharing knowledge to promote new technology - such as sensors to monitor livestock 24/7 - has resulted in increased feed efficiency, improved animal welfare, increased profitability and lower greenhouse gas emissions. The EURAKNOS TN will ensure this knowledge is reached by an even wider audience, helping to further the success of the 4D4F network.”
“One of the key learnings was actually with a group of farmers who were reluctant to engage because they had a history of being told that they were not performing. But with the power of good facilitation, they developed their own sense of ownership and empowerment, and were then able to deliver real change.”
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