A Cross Exchange on agroforestry and climate change innovations

On the 15th of October, H2020 AFINET and INCREDIBLE projects organized a Cross-Exchange (CE) under the EURAKNOS umbrella to present both thematic networks (TNs) and three operational groups (OGs), one silvopastoral Portuguese OG and two OGs on Celtic Pigs breeding from the Spanish region of Galicia.


The CE aimed to exchange knowledge about agroforestry and climate change innovations in SouthWest of Europe. The main goal of this Cross-Exchange activity was to promote the involvement of agroforesters actors but also to present how to maintain networking beyond the funded period. Around 30 different types of actors joined the event to discuss the different networking aspects. The session started with the presentation of EURAKNOS project and its expected outcomes. After that, AFINET and INCREDIBLE projects presented their experience related to agroforestry and climate change, explaining achievements and talking about the involvement of the actors in the project and their feedback on it. In addition, the aforementioned OGs, involved in agroforestry implementation presented also their work and experience on the field.

Finally, an interactive session was carried out, reinforcing the audience exchange by participating in different rounds of questions involving networking issues and how the information should be accessible in knowledge reservoirs.

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Figure 1. CEV participants proffesional background.

The great diversity of participants made the event a success (Figure 1). The main conclusions highlighted that knowledge exchange is eased through peer-to-peer actor exchange and its networking activities, however, conferences are more adequate for policy makers (Figure 2).

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Figure 2. CEV participants preferences on knowledge exchange.

Moreover, knowledge exchange is facilitated by the development of a knowledge reservoir and the existence of innovation brokers facilitating networking. The participants highlighted that knowledge reservoirs should be accurate, multi-lingual, audio-visual and with easy access (Figure 3). The participants also declared to be highly motivated to update the reservoir, once it is created.

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Figure 3. CEV participants requests on knowledge reservoirs development.

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