Cross-Exchange Visit : National Rural Networks Innovative projects/best practices database

The EURAKNOS cross-exchange visit, organised by Agricultural Research Centre (Estonia) aimed to compare the ways of presenting information about innovative projects. Special attention was given to the EIP-AGRI database and the Nordic-Baltic National Rural Network (NRN) support unit innovation projects databases (as they are also knowledge reservoirs and specific networks comparable to H2020 Thematic Networks).

The CEV started with introducing four project databases – EIP-AGRI Service Point; Dutch, Latvian and Estonian NSU databases – and continued with discussion.

During the discussion, two viewpoints were considered: that of the National Rural Network support units and of the end-users (innovation projects representatives, i.e. thematic networks (TNs), operational groups (OGs) and innovation clusters). The participants were encouraged to select one of the following topics to follow more closely during the presentations:

• Process – how the style and content were designed? Participants of the CEV have the feeling that often when we talked about databases of innovation examples, the reality of it is just a catalogue of projects. The difficulties are linked to the target group, the GDPR, the language.

• Selection – was there a selection of the projects/examples and what were the reasons? The NSU databases shown during the CEV were for innovation projects so there were no specific criteria for the selection of projects.

• Visual – what was considered when choosing the visualisation? The appearance of a database must be catchy and easily understandable.


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17 sep. 2020
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Cross-Exchange Visit : Best practices for multi-actor approaches and dissemination in Smart Protection

One of the aims of the EURAKNOS is to widen the TN Community and exchange best practices and methodologies of Thematic Networks. These are also summarized in the TNs Explorers’ Guide that will soon be published online.

On July 9, two Thematic Networks, SmartAKIS and SMARTPROTECT, and three other multi-actor projects, OPTIMA, INNOSETA, and IPMWORKS exchanged experiences on multi-actor approaches and dissemination strategies in the field of Smart Protection after an introduction on the EURAKNOS project and presentations of the different invited projects. Two operational groups (OGs), Smart spraying on Olive Trees (Greece), and OG W&W leeks and cabbages 2.0 (Flanders) presented their activities. About 40 participants, including advisors, scientists, managing authorities, and an SME, were engaged in the lively discussion.

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