Cross-Exchange Visit : Web-based agricultural knowledge exchange to support and inspire production

On 26 May 2020, IFOAM Organics Europe held a successful digital cross-exchange (CE).

The meeting was originally planned to be held in Billund, Denmark, and to include field trips to various farms. Due to the Covid-19 situation, it was changed to an online event, which was attended by over 80 participants from different European countries, including members of topic-related Operational Groups and end users, in particular farmers and advisors dealing with these topics.

The first session focused on clover-grass protein for pigs and poultry, the production, feeding value, biogas production, and benefits related to the grass protein. Clover grass, a popular crop in organic farming, can produce more than 1 ton of protein concentrate per ha, containing a high level of methionine, and can therefore replace soybean protein in pig and poultry feed. The side-products can be used for cattle feed and biogas production. Furthermore, clover grass facilitates carbon sequestration in the soil, and the price of clover-grass protein is competitive to that of organic soybean protein.

Next, a Danish farmer shared his practical experiences of farmers, followed by a session of practical experiences of different farmers regarding new types of locally produced organic feed. The webinar ended with a presentation of online platform Organic Farm Knowledge.

To evaluate the online meeting and identify potential for improvement, they asked feedbacks on the form. In spite the cultural barrier, the organization was good.

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17 sep. 2020
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Cross-Exchange Visit : Best practices for multi-actor approaches and dissemination in Smart Protection

One of the aims of the EURAKNOS is to widen the TN Community and exchange best practices and methodologies of Thematic Networks. These are also summarized in the TNs Explorers’ Guide that will soon be published online.

On July 9, two Thematic Networks, SmartAKIS and SMARTPROTECT, and three other multi-actor projects, OPTIMA, INNOSETA, and IPMWORKS exchanged experiences on multi-actor approaches and dissemination strategies in the field of Smart Protection after an introduction on the EURAKNOS project and presentations of the different invited projects. Two operational groups (OGs), Smart spraying on Olive Trees (Greece), and OG W&W leeks and cabbages 2.0 (Flanders) presented their activities. About 40 participants, including advisors, scientists, managing authorities, and an SME, were engaged in the lively discussion.

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