Role in Euraknos : KIP ?

One of the first tasks in EURAKNOS was to establish the Knowledge and Innovation Panel (KIP), a group representing the agricultural society in Europe.

The KIP now has 139 members including researchers, farmers, advisors, policy makers, NGOs, SMEs and Facilitators. Its role is to bring an external vision to EURAKNOS, advising on the way to improve the project and reinforcing the multi-actor approach of the project. They have been invited to attend our workshops, take part in cross-visit exchanges being planned for later this year, and help to link EURAKNOS to national activities.

The KIP has been gathered two times.

1) The KIP participated to the workshop of Budapest in September 2019. This workshop has been organized by the Work Package 2. This event aimed to collect information on the structure of a Thematic Network.

2) KIP participated in the Tallinn workshop, which was carried over into a series of virtual workshops in April 2020. It aimed to revise the Practice Abstract format and to update the "Thematic Network Explorer's Guide".

These meetings gathered mostly researchers and partners from other Thematic Networks. Indeed, these actors are more impacted by EURAKNOS, because it gives a future to the projects from EIP-Agri.

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